Bits & Bobs Headline Animator

Sunday, 4 March 2012


Welcome to Exposure 99% Weekday  Blog Hop. Thank you for joining us again this week. This weekday blog hop gives you the chance to link up your Blogs, Reviews, Giveaways, Twitter, Facebook pages, G+ and many more. Exposure 99% hop linky opens every Monday and closes every Fridays. Is a hop that helps you make new bloggy friends, get more blog Followers, blog Readers, People entering your awesome giveaways, People reading your reviews and many more on your family friendly activities in your blogs. If this is your first time of linking up in Exposure 99% hop, we hope you find great blogs to follow and be followed. Big thanks to each of you that writes blog post about this hop, we really appreciate and keep up the good work. Finally it will be of great help if you can grab the hop button and place anywhere in your blog to help us get the word out which you will also benefit. Interested in getting featured in Exposure 99% hop? Fill out this form HERE
We also have a facebook group HERE  for those that wish to join us in our weekly giveaways.

Seeking few more bloggers that are interested in co- hosting $100 Amazon Gift Card  Giveaway Event (Starts on 14th March and ends on 29th March.)  and  Cuisinart HSM-70 Power Advantage 7-Speed Handheld/Stand Mixer (Giveaway event: 1st April-14th April) Use my contact form for more info..This giveaways will be highly advertised so don't miss out be part of it. Maximum of 10 bloggers on each event....

Exposure 99% Hop has few and simple rules which you have to abide with before you link up.

* Kindly follow the hostesses--- ONE MOMENT IN TIMEBITS AND BOBS  and  to participate, and let us know you are following so that we can return the love to you. If you're already a GFC follower of our blogs you can follow us another way ( don't forget to notify us).

* Link up your Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Giveaways, Reviews and many more in the linky list.

* If you linked up any other thing apart from your blogs, kindly specify if possible so that it will be easier for others to find what they are looking for.

* Visit and follow at least 5 links or more before you, and let them know you are visiting from Exposure 99% weekday hop.

* Consider placing the hop button anywhere in your blogs.

* If you have problems linking up, do not hesitate to contact me, i will link you up by myself.

* Your twitter link should look this way when linking up : http//

* Show some love by Re-tweeting this post with the share button below.

* Wishing you a great week.

Grab our Button


The Andersons said...

I'm your newest follower. Thanks for the link up- can't wait to look around your blog!

Sarah Anderson

The Andersons said...

I'm your newest follower. Thanks for the link up- can't wait to look around your blog!

Sarah Anderson

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